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Noctilucent Cloud and Aeronomy Research

Noctilucent clouds are rare ‘space clouds’ that are believed to be sensitive indicators of global climate trends. Too high to reach by aircraft yet too low to reach by satellite, IIAS studies these clouds using aircraft, balloons and suborbital spacecraft to better characterize the dynamics of our mesosphere.
Airborne Noctilucent Cloud Tomography
Balloon Noctilucent Cloud Imagery
Suborbital Tomography

Bioastronautics Research and Space Suit Evaluation

BIO 103 Microgravity Space Suit Evaluation
How well can humans perform in space? IIAS students test and evaluate new IVA and EVA spacesuit designs as well as emerging space technologies that enable human activities in space using a variety of analog environments.
Analog Environments
Human Factors Research
Post-landing Operability Research

Microgravity and Reduced Gravity Research

Microgravity is a unique environment where the effects of gravity are reduced or removed. This environment is created in freefall. In space, freefall is achieved by “falling around” the Earth; on the Earth, freefall is achieved in special research aircraft that fly in parabola-like maneuvers. Microgravity is very important in the study of Space Science because the processes and phenomena normally hidden by dominant gravitational effects become more easily observable.

Space Life Science Research

PoSSUM Medical Patch FINAL2_lores
The IIAS Space Medicine Group (SMG) represents professionals within IIAS community working on research, education and health initiatives in space and terrestrial medicine and health. SMG is currently working on three initiatives: 1) the Space Medicine Working Group (SMWG), 2) the Health Task Force (HTF), and 3) the ‘Astronaut Mentality’ educational outreach initiative.
© 2024 International Institute for Astronautical Sciences, a DBA of the 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization ‘Project PoSSUM, Inc.'